Registration Policies

Required Forms

ePACT replaced our Annual Information Form, Seizure Information Form and Allergy Form which are required to participate in NSSRA programs.

How does ePACT work?

  • Contact our office to receive an email invite to share information with NSSRA.
  • Click ‘Complete Request’ to create a free account or log in if you already have an existing ePACT account.
  • Enter the required information, like medical conditions, and share it with NSSRA so that program staff have access.

ePACT makes it far easier for you to share emergency information with us while also ensuring we have access to records anytime, anywhere with the mobile app – even without an internet connection.

Have questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at

Registration Lottery

NSSRA will conduct a lottery for all in-person programs. NSSRA staff will contact registrants regarding the lottery outcome.

We require no payment at the time of registration; however, participants enrolled in the program will be expected to make a payment shortly after the lottery.

Waiting List

If the program you have selected is full, NSSRA will put you on the waiting list, and your payment may not be processed. Your position on the waiting list is based on when your completed registration form is received. We will make every effort to accommodate waiting lists. However, additional openings may not be available due to facility space, pre-purchased tickets, transportation, or staffing needs.

Program Payment

Registrants must pay outstanding balances before registering for future programs. Adult Day Program payment is invoiced monthly. If assistance is needed regarding payment, contact NSSRA at (847) 509-9400 or

Program Refunds

For all programs, special events, and trips, NSSRA will grant full refunds up to the registration deadline. Please review the following for information regarding refunds after the registration deadline. Please note that refunds for programs and events with contracted instructors may not be provided after enrollment. Information regarding these programs will be included on the receipt at the time of the lottery.

On-Going Weekly Programs

NSSRA will issue a prorated refund for all program or transportation fees before the third session of an ongoing program minus 10% (maximum of $10) and any NSSRA-incurred costs.

One-Time Events & Social Clubs

NSSRA will issue a partial refund for one-time events and social clubs up to a week in advance. NSSRA will refund the program fee minus 10% (maximum of $10) and prepaid costs.

Day Camps

Please see the day camp policies.


Please see general trip information.

Medical Cancellations

NSSRA will refund for medical reasons with a note from your doctor. When canceling for a medical reason, refunds are minus NSSRA prepaid costs.

NSSRA-Initiated Cancellations

If NSSRA cancels a program, you will receive a full refund.

Resident/Non-Resident Policy

You are considered a resident if you live in one of NSSRA’s ten partner park districts or two cities and one village. These include the Park Districts of Deerfield, Glencoe, Glenview, Highland Park, Kenilworth, Lake Bluff, Northbrook, Northfield, Wilmette and Winnetka, the Cities of Lake Forest and Highwood, and the Village of Riverwoods. Individuals residing outside the NSSRA boundaries must pay an annual Administrative Fee before registering for any NSSRA program. The Administrative Fee is determined annually. The Administrative Fee is approximately $2,200. This fee allows participation in NSSRA programs for one year.

Financial Assistance

Participants in need of financial assistance may download the Scholarship Application or request a copy by calling (847) 509-9400 or emailing

The Executive Director reviews all requests, and NSSRA will notify you upon approval.

Payment plans are also available upon request. NSSRA will not provide financial assistance to non-resident participants or for cooperative programs, special events, or trips. Financial Assistance is unavailable for Adult Day Programming; the ELA Program is self-sustained by program fees and donations.

Program Guide Availability

Seasonal program guides are mailed to our current mailing list. Please contact our office if you do not receive your program guide. Program guides are also available at the NSSRA office, at most of our partner agency facilities, and in NSSRA vehicles. We also publish the program guide on our website before the registration period.

When a participant’s parents or guardians have multiple mailing addresses, we send all correspondence to the address listed on the program registration form. If another parent or guardian living at a different address would like to receive information from NSSRA, the person who signs the registration form must submit a written request to Superintendent Mel Robson at (847) 509-9400 x6829 or

High-Risk Waiver Policy

Programs that involve potential high-risk activities will require signed high-risk waivers to be returned to the office two weeks before the event date or the program’s start. If a release has not been returned by the deadline, participation will not be permitted for that specific event or program.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

NSSRA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and will make reasonable accommodations to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in and enjoy recreation programs. If you have a question about NSSRA’s compliance or feel that NSSRA has discriminated against you, please contact Craig Culp, Executive Director, at NSSRA (847) 509-9400 x6820 or