General Trip Information

The following general information pertains to all overnight trips.

Trip Eligibility

  • Participants must be able to meet general trip expectations for all overnight trips.
  • NSSRA lists trip eligibility in the program guide information.
  • For all trips lasting longer than three days and two nights, participants must attend an NSSRA overnight trip before the registration deadline for the desired trip for NSSRA staff to assess the individual’s readiness for the trip.
  • NSSRA staff will complete assessments at the end of all trips to determine eligibility for future trips.

Trip Expectations

To meet the essential requirements for all NSSRA overnight trips, participants must be able to:

  • Meet all expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct.
  • Participate in a group setting and follow all scheduled activities.
  • Demonstrate appropriate social skills with peers, staff, and public members.
  • Carry out activities of daily living, with or without staff assistance.
  • Respectfully share living space with other participants and staff.

Activities of Daily Living

All participants must adhere to NSSRA participant expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct for the duration of the trip.

Depending on the trip, NSSRA staff is available to provide different levels of reminders, prompting, and assistance for activities of daily living (i.e., toileting, showering, brushing teeth, dressing and feeding). NSSRA may list specific expectations for daily living activities in the program guide information.

Trip Housing

NSSRA may expect participants to share rooms and beds with peers of the same gender. NSSRA will list specific housing details in the program guide information. To arrange for a single room or bed, please call the trip contact listed in the program guide by the registration deadline. An additional fee may apply for these arrangements.

NSSRA staff may not be present in all rooms during downtime, personal care/hygiene time, or overnight. NSSRA will determine room assignments at the staff’s discretion. NSSRA expects participants to stay in their rooms and respect their roommates. To arrange for a staff member to be present in the room overnight, please call the trip contact as listed in the program guide by the registration deadline.

Trip Refunds

  • Up to the registration deadline, NSSRA will issue full refunds.
  • NSSRA will refund no more than 50% of the fee four weeks before the trip, pending pre-paid expenses.
  • If NSSRA cancels the trip, we will issue a full refund.

Trip Medication

NSSRA uses ePACT to securely save health information, emergency contacts, medication information, and more. You can update this information anytime a change happens. Update your ePACT Profile. NSSRA may request additional forms to be submitted before the trip regarding medication.